吸引簡報的最佳 8 款互動式簡報軟體

無論您是進行線上演示還是現場演示,您都寧願與觀眾互動以讓他們參與進來,而不是談論自己。互動式簡報軟體將幫助您實現這個想法。這是前 8 名 交互式演示軟件 可以為您創建引人入勝的簡報。

8 款最佳互動式簡報軟體

1. 芒果 演示製作工具

As an interactive presentation software, Mango Presentation Maker (Mango PM) enables users to make interesting interactions with their audience through customized video presentations. It is designed to help users express their ideas better, clearer, and more stunning. This interactive presentation maker offers users a variety of customization options, like templates and themes to match their styles. You will also find interactive elements, such as buttons, forms, graphics, and more, which will be used to engage your audience. Teamwork is another part of “interaction”, and this 免費影片示範製作器 has considered it seriously. Popular tools like SLACK, Google Drive, and Dropbox are integrated to enhance cooperation and streamline workflow.

最好用的互動演示軟體Mango PM


2. iSpring 套件

iSpring Suite is an interactive PowerPoint software that helps you finish interactive presentation creations quickly. If you are familiar with PowerPoint, this best interactive presentation software will be very suitable for you. It provides users with 12 powerful features, including PPT to SCORM conversion, eLearning interactions, Extensive LMS compatibility, and more. It also offers Interactive assessments as well as Interactive role-plays, which could be used to create a more engaging presentation. Over 89,000 royalty-free course templates, characters, locations, icons, and buttons in the iSpring Suite content library could make your presentations more attractive.

互動式 PowerPoint 軟體 iSpring Suite

3. 滑狗

Another interactive presentation maker is SlideDog, which aims to help users uniquely design presentations. It comes with an easy-to-play and strong playlist. With this, you can combine PowerPoints, PDFs, Excels, and more to get ready to present. SlideDog, the best interactive presentation software furnishes users with interactive tools Live Chat and Audience Feedback. Live Chat enables you to receive comments and questions from your audience and respond to whom and when according to your willingness. You may also get further improvement by viewing opinions on Audience Feedback.



下一個互動式簡報軟體是 Visme,它將使您的簡報令人驚嘆、引人入勝且美觀。如果您使用這款互動式簡報製作工具進行演示,那麼視覺傳達的力量就掌握在您的手中。 Visme 為用戶提供了五種功能:資料視覺化、範本、品牌內容、內容日曆、圖形和資產,以及最重要的互動性。透過互動性,您可以透過熱點、懸停效果和可點擊選單來建立互動式體驗,以吸引觀眾的注意。

最好的互動式簡報軟體 Visme


作為一款完全基於雲端的互動式簡報軟體,Google Slides 使用戶能夠輕鬆演示幾乎任何內容。由於它有自己的套件,它可以無縫連接您喜歡的其他 Google 應用程式。例如,使用者可以嵌入 Google 試算表中的圖表或直接從 Gmail 回覆評論。這款互動式 PowerPoint 軟體也將協作擴展到 Microsoft PowerPoint。您可以輕鬆地在線上編輯 PowerPoint 簡報文件,而無需轉換它們。

互動式簡報製作工具 Google 投影片

6. 和藹可親

Genially is a best interactive presentation software to help users leave boring behind and tell an interactive, animated and beautifully engaging story. This inexperienced-friendly interactive PowerPoint software enables users to keep their audience engaging by adding interactive elements, including popup windows, quiz games, interactive data visualizations, and more. Genially also provides users with media integrations, from YouTube and Spotify to Google Maps and Sheets, making their presentations a media-rich interactive experience.

互動演示製作者 Genially

7. 氣壓計

The best interactive presentation software Mentimeter allows users to easily create attractive presentations and share them with others. No matter what purpose you make for, work or education, you always can get inspiration from it. The interactive presentation maker Mentimeter will make your presentations productive, inclusive and fun. Create an engaging experience by using Mentimeter’s tools such as Live and Instant Polling, Informative Q&As, etc. to let your audience vote, ask questions, and interact throughout, and gather feedback from them.

互動式簡報軟體 Mentimeter

8. 滑蜥蜴

SlideLizard 是一款互動式簡報軟體,只需點擊一下即可讓您現有的簡報具有互動性。它為用戶提供了三個關鍵工具 SlideLizard CREATOR、SlideLizard LIVE 和 SlideLizard INSIGHTS,以實現富有創意且高效的演示過程。 CREATOR為用戶提供了幻燈片和資源庫,使他們的簡報更加令人驚嘆。直播是為了吸引觀眾,您不僅可以進行即時民意調查,還可以分享投影片和文件。演講結束後,INSIGHTS 將提供分析,以便您進一步改進。

互動式 PowerPoint 軟體 SlideLizard


綜上所述,介紹的前 8 款互動式簡報軟體將有助於創建互動式且有趣的簡報。現在想嘗試嗎?選擇一款互動式演示軟體,創建您自己風格的演示,並與您的觀眾互動!









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