8 免費人工智慧文字轉語音:觸手可及的新境界敘事

The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence has ushered in significant advancements in text-to-speech (TTS) technology in recent years. This integration revolutionizes the way people access and consume content. How about absorbing information through AI-spoken audio? In this way, you don’t have to spend hours reading books. Thanks to free AI text to speech generators, producing high-quality audio with AI voices has never been easier. Let’s delve into the realm of free AI 文字轉語音 and open up new possibilities for content creation.

1. Mango AI

Mango AI is a top-notch AI video generator that transforms your written text into natural-sounding speech in no time. It is featured in over 40 ultra-realistic AI voices, including male, female, and children voices. Listen to the narration of its AI voices and choose one of them to match your content perfectly, making it align with your audience’s preferences. It supports you in uploading your recordings to create personalized voices. What makes the free AI text to speech generator stand out is its ability to convert text not only into speech but also into engaging videos with an 人工智慧主播。它有各種各樣的類人化身,可以作為講故事的互動演示者。


2. Speechelo

Speechelo aims to make lifelike voiceovers that no one can distinguish between recordings of human voices. Only three steps are needed to produce stunning voices with the free AI text to speech generator. Just paste the text, pick a voice, and download the generated voiceover. There is a collection of voices in more than 20 languages to choose from, encompassing both male and female options. Add breathing sounds and longer pauses to make AI narrators sound natural. Speechelo enables you to create a 10-minute-long voiceover within minutes.


3. Murf AI

如果您需要為播客、視訊和演示製作 AI 語音,Murf AI 可能是您的好選擇。免費的 AI 文字轉語音產生器提供了 20 種語言的大量 AI 敘述者,其中一些語言支援多種口音,例如英語、西班牙語和葡萄牙語。將文字輸入區塊中,然後按一下聲音來聽聽聲音,從而找到最適合您的專案的聲音。 Murf AI 可讓您精確控制 AI 敘述者的各種功能,例如語音風格、音調和速度,以確保它們聽起來像您想要的那樣。添加停頓並自訂發音以增強旁白並讓觀眾著迷。


4. Clipchamp

Clipchamp is no more than a video editor, it is also a free AI text to speech generator. Choose from a set of lifelike voices available in over 80 different languages, including Spanish, Arabic, French, and more. It allows you to adjust the pitch of your AI voice to extra low, medium, high, or extra high, which helps you express emotions effectively and capture the attention of the audience. Increase or decrease the pace of your voiceover from 2x speed to 0.5x speed to tailor the audio to your preferences and needs. Clipchamp is an easy-to-use voiceover generator for you to convert text to speech in a few steps.



VEED.IO 擁有一套全面的工具,可以為您的影片製作專業品質的 AI 旁白。當您輸入文字並選擇人工智慧語音時,其免費的人工智慧文字轉語音工具將即時朗讀文字。或者,您可以添加人工智慧頭像來閱讀內容並創建引人注目的影片。 VEED.IO 配備了數十種類人聲音和數位化身。預覽每種聲音以聆聽並選擇最適合您需求的聲音。借助多種影片編輯工具,它可以幫助您直接從瀏覽器生成的配音製作專業影片。



LOVO AI是一款多功能配音產生器,擁有超過500種AI語音。它能夠在幾秒鐘內將文字轉換為語音,節省您的時間和精力。在它根據文字製作畫外音後,您可以選擇微調發音、強調特定單字和音節、添加停頓以及合併非語言聲音。有了LOVO AI,無論是廣告、教育、娛樂等,都能更輕鬆地找到適合任何場合的理想AI解說員。情緒。使用 100 多種語言和口音的優質配音本地化您的內容。對於想要創建易於存取的音訊內容的人來說,免費的人工智慧文字轉語音產生器是一項寶貴的資產。


7. Speechify

告別機器人語音,透過 Speechify 遇見工作室品質的人工智慧解說員。畫外音產生器可將您的文字、Word 和 PDF 檔案轉換為語音,沒有任何延遲。它為您提供多種語言和口音的豐富人工智慧語音選擇。將語速提高至平均閱讀速度的 9 倍,幫助您在更短的時間內了解更多資訊。它的亮點之一是它可以掃描圖像並使用先進的 OCR 技術大聲朗讀給您聽。 Speechify 致力於透過文字轉語音技術消除閱讀障礙,讓閱讀變得更有效率和愉快。


8. Typecast

這個免費的人工智慧文字轉語音產生器可讓您輕鬆建立引人注目的音訊和視訊。它擁有 400 多名人工智慧解說員,他們的語言、說話風格、性別、聲音年齡和情緒各不相同。根據您的喜好輸入提示並調整人工智慧語音角色的情緒。透過篩選類別、描述風格或僅輸入語音角色的名稱來發現您想要的語音。提供上百首音影片背景音樂,幫助您刺激觀眾的聽覺,輕鬆引起觀眾共鳴。將影片新增至其編輯器並整合生成的畫外音以簡化內容創建過程。


In a Nutshell

如上所述,人工智慧文字轉語音是一種經濟高效的解決方案,可以製作逼真的配音。本文討論的畫外音生成器各有優點和缺點。無論您是想將文字轉換為語音以用於商業、教育還是社交媒體內容,Mango AI 都能滿足您的需求。免費試用免費的 AI 文字轉語音產生器,從現在開始您的 AI 之旅!
