
Has this ever happened to you? You’ve exerted yourself to write many great articles or blog posts. Yet many of the posts don’t get enough views as expected, or worse — are left unnoticed. How to end this nightmare? One of the most cost-effective solutions is to 將文章轉換為視頻.

Why You Should Convert Articles to Videos

The answer is simple: videos are loved by people! It’s no secret that the demand for video content grows with every passing day. By 2021, video will represent 80% of all internet traffic (思科)。此外,每周有 78% 的人報告在線觀看視頻,而每天觀看的人有 55%(社交媒體週).




Convert Article to Video in 6 Simple Steps

要開始,您將需要一篇文章到視頻轉換器。芒果動畫 文字視頻製作器 (Mango Animate TM) is a simple yet powerful tool that allows you to convert articles to videos and share them on social media easily. This text video maker is characterized by simplicity and function. Its advanced text to video technology helps you create a stunning animated article video faster and smarter.

需要時間: 5分鐘

  1. 選擇一篇文章


  2. 將文章轉換為視頻

    準備好腳本後,就可以啟動文章到視頻轉換器了。 註冊 或登錄您的帳戶,從文本視頻模板創建項目或從頭開始。

    只需將您的文本粘貼或導入到 Mango Animate TM 中,點擊按鈕,您就可以 將文本轉換為視頻 在幾秒鐘內就帶有驚人的文本動畫。

    將文章轉換為視頻第 2 步

  3. 稍微調整一下您的文本樣式


    將文章轉換為視頻第 3 步自定義文本樣式和文本動畫

  4. 將音頻添加到視頻

    使用內置的文本轉語音 (TTS) 功能為您的文章視頻創建類似人類的畫外音。有數十種語言和聲音可供選擇,您可以為目標受眾提供個性化的體驗。如果您想進一步激發觀眾的情緒,請嘗試添加一些背景音樂。

    第 4 步將文章轉換為帶畫外音的視頻

  5. 發布和分享

    創建完視頻後,單擊發布按鈕以視頻或動畫 GIF 格式保存視頻,然後將其上傳到 YouTube、Instagram、Twitter、TikTok 等。只需點擊發布按鈕並與全世界分享您的精彩文章視頻。
    將文章轉換為視頻第 5 步將圖標添加到文章視頻

In Conclusion

Repurposing your old content as shareable videos is not as time and money-consuming as you have imagined. To create a killer article video or blog video, all you have to do is choose your posts and let Mango Animate Text Video Maker take care of the rest.


» 文字動畫 » 文章到視頻 » 文章視頻製作器 » 如何立即將文章轉換為視頻