A whiteboard video is a new form of video. It features a white background, a maker pen, and intuitive storytelling. Now due to the technological advances in making whiteboard videos, various whiteboard videos have appeared such as hand drawing whiteboard videos, and whiteboard animation videos.
Ovi videozapisi za ploču razlikuju se jedan od drugog i možda neće biti isti kao izvorni videozapisi za ploču. Sada, većina videozapisa za bijelu ploču koje obično vidimo su promotivni videozapisi, obrazovne prezentacije i tako dalje, koji postupno postaju popularni u mnogim industrijama i pokreću val masovnog stvaranja videozapisa za bijelu ploču.
Why is creating whiteboard videos so important?
When answering this question, we may consider the advantages of whiteboard videos. Its concise and memorable style distinguishes it from other types of videos and audiences will be more impressed with these eye-catching whiteboard videos. Teachers are one of the main demanders for creating whiteboard videos because it helps them explain difficult topics and complicated materials to their students better in an intuitive way. With this feature, creating whiteboard videos is popular in the educational industry.
Whiteboard videos are also good tools for a marketing person to introduce the companies’ products or services, for they engage with the customers better and convey the message more directly and accurately. With so many advantages, you must want to create a whiteboard video to help you work. But you may scratch your head when facing the question of how to make a high-quality whiteboard video in the shortest time.
Without any doubt, a whiteboard video software program will greatly speed up the process of making whiteboard videos. However, there are so many whiteboard video creators on the market and most of them are too expensive to afford. How to find a free and useful whiteboard video creator? And which is the best one that suits you? Read these 10 najboljih kreatora videa na ploči i naći ćeš odgovor. Među preporučenim softverom, Mango Animate Whiteboard Animation Video Maker, besplatni kreator videozapisa za bijelu ploču, omogućuje vam stvaranje videozapisa za bijelu ploču studijske kvalitete u 10 minuta.
How to make a studio-quality whiteboard video with Mango Animate’s whiteboard video creator?
Potrebno vremena 10 minuta
- Napiši skriptu
Pisanje scenarija znači da trebate zapisati o čemu govori ovaj video na ploči (tema ovog videa) i odlučiti o svom stilu videa. Zatim morate odlučiti o duljini videa. Reproducira li se u sekundama ili minutama? Nakon što odgovorite na ova pitanja, možete razmisliti o čemu govori svaki isječak i njihov redoslijed. Uz pomoć jasne skripte lakše je početi stvarati videozapise za bijelu ploču.
- Preuzmite Mango Animate WM i prijavite se
Download Mango Animate Whiteboard Animation Video Maker from the official website.
Odaberite 32-bitni ili 64-bitni prema vašem računalu i kliknite na preuzimanje.
Pokrenite softver i kliknite na prijavu u gornjem desnom kutu.
Register an account and log in. - Odaberite video predložak za bijelu ploču
Pregledajte predloške i odaberite video predložak koji zadovoljava vaše potrebe na temelju vašeg scenarija.
- Uredite video
Najprije otvorite video predložak i prelistajte ga.
Zamijenite tekst i slike.
Dodajte pozadinsku glazbu ili svoj glas i prilagodite to tako da odgovara videu
Spremite projekt
Nisu sva četiri koraka integrirajuća i trebali biste urediti videozapis prema svojim potrebama. - Pregledajte i izvezite video
Pritisnite gumb za pregled iznad okvira za uređivanje i provjerite opći učinak.
Pritisnite gumb za objavljivanje i odaberite format koji želite.
You may be surprised at the speed of creating whiteboard videos with this free software program. Making whiteboard videos in 10 minutes is a breeze! Try this amazing whiteboard video creator and attract your audience’s attention now!
Start Creating Whiteboard Videos with Mango Animate