Whether you are searching for an introductory video about a new product or want to get a how-to tutorial for that, you are in luck as there probably exists a related video. Most businesses are relying on the best animated explainer video to provide information about their products and services. From small businesses to well-known brands, animated explainer video production has become a common way to provide information to their prospects. Fortunately, it has been proven a powerful communication form that audiences love.
What is an animated explainer video?
An animated explainer video is a short form of video that is used to highlight products, services, and business ideas of a company for marketing or sales purposes. More often these videos are being placed on landing pages, home pages, or prominent product pages of a website.
Video marketing is great for businesses of any size. Cisco predicted that videos are going to consume about 82% of overall internet traffic by 2020. Therefore, considering video content is essential to cement your brand’s position in the hearts of prospects.
最佳動畫解說視頻因其驚人的轉換率而成為越來越受歡迎的工具。一些網站僅使用動畫解說視頻就將轉化率提高了 144%。
Types of Animated Explainer Videos
1. 白板動畫視頻
3. 動力學排版視頻
Top 5 animated explainer video examples
1. Spotify Promo 美國推出高清
Spotify 帶來了開箱即用的創意和最佳動畫解說視頻。他們沒有解釋他們的產品傳統上是如何工作的,而是在解說視頻中添加了一個有趣的元素,並利用這個機會來解釋產品是如何為用戶個性化的。
2. SafeDrive - 因開車時不發短信而獲得獎勵
SafeDrive 描述了在駕駛過程中使用手機是多麼危險並奪走人們的生命。之後,它使用動畫剪輯來展示在駕駛過程中發短信如何轉移您的注意力並導致嚴重事故。最後,他們讓人們知道使用 SafeDrive 應用程序並獲得獎勵,以便在合作夥伴的產品上獲得驚人的折扣。這是一個很好的倡議,也是一個很好的解釋視頻,涵蓋了該主題的各個方面。
3. 酒鄉禮籃
4. Med Mart 應用程序
這個 med mart 應用程序解釋器視頻很好地解釋瞭如何使用他們的應用程序。 Med Mart 精美地說明了一個複雜的過程,任何人都更容易理解。
5. 技術內幕
Here we have an overview of the best animated explainer video maker. So that you can choose the right option for you with ease.
1. Mango Animation Maker
Mango Animate is a professional, easier to use, and effective animated explainer video maker. It can help you create stunning, creative, and captivating animation videos to keep your prospects engaged. You can create eye-catching animated explainer videos that can convince your audience to take favorable action. What’s more, the availability of massive animated explainer video templates makes it easier and faster to create amazing results.
使用 Mango Animation Maker 製作引人注目且引人入勝的視頻,提高您的轉化率。
- Free animated explainer video maker to create the best animated explainer videos, promo videos, training videos, cartoon videos, and more.
- 大量動畫解說視頻模板,可快速製作動畫解說視頻。
- 添加字符、樣式、按鈕和更多元素以使視頻富有創意。
2. Vyond
3. Wideo
一個直觀的動畫視頻製作工具,可以幫助您製作教育視頻、敘事視頻、解說視頻、產品宣傳片等。如果你想更快地創建它,Wideo 可以成為一個使用工具。它帶有一些高級版本中可用的高級工具。
How to make the best animated explainer video?
Do you want to create a stunning animated explainer video that can grab the attention of your prospects with ease? Follow the steps given below to enjoy the best results:
- 創建腳本
- 選擇一個動畫解說視頻製作器
- 錄製畫外音
- 創建和編輯
The best animated explainer video can be considered a fantastic asset for any business. It is because an animated explainer video can explain your brand or product story in a unique and more memorable way. So, knowing what an animated explainer video is and how you can get the most out of it is surely going to help you in the process of animated explainer video production.