免費的 2d 骨骼動畫軟件:3 分鐘製作骨骼角色

As is known to all, people are surrounded by all kinds of videos that help people learn knowledge, broaden their horizons, and even enable people to understand each other regardless of different cultural backgrounds. Among these videos, 2D bone animation videos play a significant part in information dissemination. As more and more people engage in video, creating an eye-catching video seems to be a big challenge for video makers. Most of them tend to make their video more attractive by adding 2D dynamic characters, which can be made by 2d bone animation software. This blog will talk about how to make bone characters in 3 minutes using powerful 2D bone animation software named Mango Animate 2D Bone Animation Software.

Introduction to Mango Animate 2D Bone Animation Software

Mango Animate 2D Bone Animation Software is excellent software that turns a static image into a dynamic animated character that can be used in animated videos to attract people’s attention and achieve marketing value. Packed with a rich library of free media and templates, Mango Animate offers ready-to-go tools and elements to create stunning animated characters for any use, from education to marketing, appealing to all age groups. The software is dedicated to making character creation more accessible for everyone.


How to Make 2d Bone Animation Character in 3 minutes

  1. 第一步:準備

    請務必提前下載Mango Animate 2D骨骼動畫軟件,並準備一張PNG或PSD格式的角色圖片。然後打開軟件,導入圖片。 如何製作動畫角色 step1

  2. Step2:添加骨骼

    在這一步中,將添加骨骼以使 2d 骨骼動畫角色移動。軟件擁有龐大的骨骼模板庫,對應不同的動作和姿勢。因此,如果您期望的角色動作恰好出現在庫中,您可以拖動模板並將其輕鬆應用到您的角色上,省時省力。但是如果沒有找到合適的骨骼模板,就得自己用加骨骼工具設計,點擊鼠標就可以毫不費力的給圖片加骨骼,形成完整的骨骼,可以執行動作你想讓你的角色做的。
    如何製作動畫角色 step2

  3. Step3:製作二維骨骼動畫角色

    添加使您的角色能夠移動的整個骨骼之後,您需要做的下一件事是為 2d 骨骼動畫角色設置動畫。想像您的角色如何執行動作可能會幫助您了解使卡通人物栩栩如生的關鍵姿勢和動作的一些線索。然後您可以添加關鍵幀並相應地修改姿勢。如果趕時間或者趕時間,可以在動作模板庫中找到適合自己的模板應用到自己的卡通人物身上。 如何製作動畫角色 step3

  4. Step4:發布分享

    完成作品後,您可以預覽和修改姿勢和動作,使其移動更流暢。滿意了,就可以發表自己的作品,在不同的領域充分利用了。 如何製作動畫人物 step4

In a word

It can’t be denied that 2D bone animation characters have been part of our life. Generally speaking, we can see them in a variety of videos. So as a video maker who wants to create more excellent videos to catch audiences’ eyes, it is necessary to learn how to 製作二維骨骼動畫角色 with Mango Animate 2D Bone Animation Software, a brilliant cartoon figure maker that turns a picture into a lively character in three minutes.

Start Creating Bone Animation Characters
