分類: 培訓視頻
10 Problems with HR Training and How to Solve Them
HR training is crucial in building a productive and compliant staff. However, various challenges HR professionals face impair the effectiveness of their training initiatives. From poor employee engagement to out-of-date materials, developing compelling learning experiences that support organizational objectives requires recognizing and resolving these issues. Cutting-edge solutions like AI-powered video creation tools have entirely transformed…
Top 12 Practical Tips to Create Engaging Training Videos for Employees
Creating engaging employee training videos may significantly impact how your staff learns and retains information. In today’s fast-paced world, people do not just want to watch; they want to connect and understand. Knowing how to create training videos that are both entertaining and educational is crucial. Traditional training videos with slideshows and instructors’ narrations are…
12 Best HR Training Topics to Empower Your Employees
Businesses of all sizes prioritize HR training because their workforce drives success. Preparing effective HR training programs is critical for achieving this goal. HR practitioners gain valuable insights to support company goals, foster a healthy workplace, and effectively manage employee interactions. Below are the top 12 HR training topics for employees that your company can…
The Comprehensive Guide: How to Onboard a New Employee
A company can run effectively with the right hire of its employees. This makes the onboarding of a new employee a crucial and pivotal process. Knowing how to onboard a new employee goes beyond just filling out forms or applying for the job; it’s about creating the perfect environment that introduces the new hire to…
8 Customer Service Training Video Software to Enhance Customer Experience
In today’s competitive marketplace, exceptional customer service plays a vital role. It is a company’s valuable opportunity to interact and deal with customers, which can make or break a business. That’s why many companies would like to invest in customer service training for employees. A customer service training video is an efficient way to improve…
如何免費建立培訓影片:只需 5 個步驟
為員工發展製作企業培訓影片的 5 種殺手級做法
您是否知道完善的入職培訓可以幫助公司提高 82% 的投資報酬率?然而,由於多種原因,許多高階主管很難制定有效的入職策略。大多數入職培訓過程都非常緩慢或漫長。所有新進員工都必須學習內容廣泛的手冊,其中概述了組織的程序、法規…
2024 年 12 款最佳入職與教育訓練影片軟體
移動的視覺效果、音訊和文字使視訊成為出色的溝通工具。研究表明,一分鐘的影片可以包含近 180 萬個單字。影片正迅速成為一種流行的培訓內容格式,因為如果執行得當,它比傳統的學習模式更有效、更令人難忘。這是因為有…