用於動畫影片創作的 6 大免費 AI 動畫生成器

Today, there is an increased dynamism in digital content creation, as people strive to find new ways of making their animation videos more compelling. This is the purpose of AI animation generators: they change everything in the animation world. These AI animation tools simplify the animation process and make it easier for all types of animators and creators no matter their level to create animations. In this article, we will review 6 free AI animation generators for 2024 which will assist you in making an informed decision when it comes to selecting a generator for your project.

Is there an AI Tool that can create animations?


1. Mango AI

芒果人工智慧 is an online free AI animation generator that allows you to craft high-quality animation videos without professional experience in creating animations. With its text-to-animation features, it’s easy to add and turn your scripts into speaking portrait animation videos. One of the things that highlights its strengths the most is the offering of different types of avatars and voices, which can accommodate different animation styles and characters. Also, you have access to upload your photo to create your own avatar, and then adjust the facial pose, such as blinking or making facial expressions, to make the video more natural. This AI video generator is an all-in-one animation maker suitable for beginners and professionals. 


  • 提供簡單直覺的介面,輕鬆創建動畫。
  • 支援廣泛的模板和主題。
  • 個人化數位化身和聲音,將您的肖像動畫製作成影片。
  • 自訂背景和音樂,讓您的動畫影片更具創意。
  • 加上畫外音,更生動地講述您的故事。

2. Deep Motion

As a unique animation tool, Deep Motion focuses on realistic character animation and motion capture, making it popular with game developers and filmmakers.



AI 動畫生成器 Deep Motion


  • 將 2D 影片轉換為 3D 動畫。
  • 創造具有高真實感和動畫中流暢的角色動作的動畫。
  • 提供強大的自訂選項,包括角色、背景和動作風格。

3. Gooey AI

If you wish to generate a series of smoothly animated scenes or images, Gooey AI is designed to transform text prompts and keyframes into animated sequences. All you need to do is just add to cues as needed and specify transition points between each cue. 


人工智慧動畫生成器 Gooey AI


  • 從文字提示和關鍵影格建立動畫。
  • 提供文字轉語音功能以建立口型同步視訊。
  • 支援調整動畫的幀數以更改渲染時間和長度。
  • 與各種工作流程集成,例如 AI QR 程式碼產生器和 Copilot Builder。

4. Neural Frames


ai 動畫產生器 神經幀


  • 提供文字到影片來創建動畫或音樂影片。
  • 支援影片升級至高達 4K 解析度。
  • 隨時掌控動畫影片的即時編輯。

5. Krikey.AI

專為 creating 3D animations from scratch, Krikey.AI enables you to create highly customizable avatars and design characters with unique facial expressions and gestures using text or video prompts. Suppose you are looking to add a voice to your animations, Krikey.AI’s AI voice option allows you to add personalized dialogue to your custom 3D talking avatars in a matter of minutes, easily enhancing the interactivity and realism of the animations.

人工智慧動畫生成器 Krikey AI


  • 將文字提示轉換為動態 3D 動畫。
  • 客製化具有獨特面部特徵和表情的 3D 頭像。
  • 將動畫匯出為影片或 FBX 檔案。
  • 將動畫整合到各種 3D 遊戲引擎、電影編輯軟體或其他創意專案中。

6. Vyond 

What makes Vyond stand out is its text-to-speech and photo-to-character features. It offers a wide range of pre-made templates, characters, and props to personalize your animated videos easily. In addition, its lip sync, speech enhancer, and style transitions, ensure that animations are aesthetically pleasing and emotionally resonate with the viewer.

ai 動畫生成器 Vyond


  • 根據 AI 提示建立腳本和影片。
  • 上傳並編輯您的照片以建立您自己的角色。
  • 提供語音增強器來增強畫外音。


Incorporating AI into animation creation is an innovative method that offers great convenience to content creators. As you begin creating animation videos, consider the specific features and capabilities of each generator and choose the one that best suits your creative vision and technical requirements. 芒果人工智慧 has unique features that cater to different animation styles and needs. Whether you’re a beginner looking for simplicity or a professional seeking advanced customization, this tool simplify the process and allow you to create engaging, high-quality animated content for free.

» 人工智慧視訊產生器 » 人工智慧動畫生成器 » 用於動畫影片創作的 6 大免費 AI 動畫生成器