Thorpe, S., Fize, D. & Marlot, C. 在 1996 年說,人類大腦只需要大約 1/4 秒就可以處理符號並將其賦予意義。相比之下,我們平均需要 6 秒閱讀 20-25 個單詞. 2000 年,海爾說 進入大腦的 90% 的信息是視覺信息. All fact indicates a nice infographic is worth a thousand words. Excellent infographics offer a more effective and engaging way to convey complex data and information.
Here are the 10 useful infographic movie makers allowing us to create our exclusive brilliant infographic.
1. Mango Animate Animation Maker
Sure, try the infographic movie is a good choice. But if you have an idea to make an animated infographic. You can think about the most practical and easy infographic movie maker — Mango Animate Animation Maker. The powerful Mango Animate Animation Maker helps those who do not have animation skills turn data information contents into vivid 2D animation. The rich library of animation templates inside the 信息圖表視頻製作者 makes the boring data information more interesting.
- 只需通過模板庫單擊幾下,即可創建您特別令人驚嘆的動畫信息圖表。
- Add the animation media elements you need through a user-friendly drag and drop interface.
- 通過可愛的 2D 角色,鍵入標題或字幕以強調關鍵信息圖表信息。
- 以各種優秀的動畫和場景過渡效果來吸引觀眾的眼球。
- 32 / 64 位 Windows
- 現在有一個 特價! one-time payment of $49
2. Mango Animate Whiteboard Animation Maker
Mango Animate Whiteboard Animation Maker helps you bring static infographics to life in seconds. The usage is a little bit the same as the Mango Animate Animation Maker. But the highlight of this animated infographic maker is equipped with a lot of different types of hand sizes and gestures. As a user-friendly infographic movie maker provides simple ways to build up your high-quality infographic doodle movies.
- Choose your most interesting hand drawing design and add the glamor personalized touch to your doodle video.
- 大量奇妙的過渡、進入和退出效果為您的信息圖表白板視頻帶來活力。
- 大量預先設計的模板和工具可用於商業、教育或個人項目,以製作專家級的信息圖表塗鴉電影。
- 32 / 64 位 Windows
- Now have a special offer! one-time payment of $39
3. Adobe Spark
使用 Adobe Spark 在幾秒鐘內創建引人注目的信息圖表視頻。 Adobe Spark 信息圖電影製作工具可幫助您輕鬆製作特殊的信息圖電影。瀏覽 Spark 信息圖電影製作者模板以獲取靈感。在時間線上組織起來,輕鬆實現完美的最終效果,讓您的想像變為現實。
- 可定制的專業主題和模板庫。
- 從網絡上的大量圖像中進行選擇,或者從您個人最喜歡的圖像中進行選擇。
- 各種免費的專業設計字體,適合在各種情況下使用。
- iOS / OS X / Windows / Android
- 入門計劃:免費
- 個人:前 14 天每月 $0
- 團隊:每月$19.99
4. Powtoon
Powtoon focuses on creating animated presentations and explainer videos. No knowledge of coding or infographic design is needed. Communicating visually with short infographic videos and infographic animation, no matter what kind of work you do. Powtoon Infographic movie maker shows you a lot of amazing and well-designed style templates.
- Customizing the professionally designed templates and infographics you have chosen is very simple.
- Tell your stories through a variety of animated characters, video backgrounds, and soundtracks clearly.
- 將通用數據或信息管理轉換為可視化體驗,這對大型組織尤其有用。
- 在線 SAAS
- 個人使用:免費
- 偶爾使用(專業版):每月 $19
- 專業人士和企業家 (pro+):每月 $59
- 超級用戶(機構):每月 $99
5. Renderforest
Renderforest is a minimalist infographic movie maker, that provides you the great online branding utensils to create outstanding infographic videos and other projects with minimal time and skill.
- 數百個不同類別的信息圖表電影模板,可輕鬆定制。
- Try to use the 3D infographic templates to make your infographic video transform the simplify complex information.
- 以不同的形式和大小下載您的文件。
- 在線 SAAS
- 免費:$0永久免費
- 精簡版:每月 $6.99
- 業餘:每月$9.99
- 專業版:每月 $19.99
- 代理:每月$49.99
6. Biteable
Make infographic movies with animation, stock footage, and photos. Biteable comes with several amazing templates you can edit as you like. It’s simple to add and remove the elements from the infographic movie’s template timeline.
- 無需設計信息圖電影體驗,快速、方便地定制。
- 有大量樣式、顏色和主題可供選擇,您會找到一種適合您的信息圖信息的。
- 適合各種行業。
- 在線 SAAS
- 入門(免費):每月 $0,完全免費,永久
- 個人創作者(加號):每月 $19
- 專業人士(終極):每月 $49
7. Moovly
Create your infographic movies with Moovly’s online video editor and customizable templates. The beneficial infographic movie maker gives a variety of templates as an example, and realizes your inspiration on infographic videos.
- 拖放圖像、元素和聲音,操作起來很簡單。
- 一些綠屏圖像很容易教授關於分層、綠屏和透明度的知識。
- The stocks of audio, videos, and images to select from as well.
- 在線 SAAS
- 了解 Moovly(免費):每月 $0
- 對於嶄露頭角的創作者(專業版):每月 $24.92
- 獲得最大的創作自由(最大值):每月 $49.92
- 對於團隊和協作(企業):自定義定價
8. Envato Elements
The Envato infographic movie maker has an unlimited creative subscription, millions of creative assets, and at one low cost. Included tutorials to help you make your own infographic movie in minutes. You can also upload and add the information you need in the infographic movies through the Envato Elements infographic movie maker.
- The thousands of templates let you keep informed of theme updates and new trends in all sorts of industries.
- 元素資源庫,可將您的想像力帶入現實世界。
- Different categories and the elements inside are all modern minimalist styles, fit for the new-age trend.
- 在線 SAAS
- 個人計劃:每月$16.50起
- 學生:每月 $11.50 起
- 團隊(添加成員時保存):每位成員 $11.50 起
9. Vyond
Vyond 是一個基於雲的動畫視頻創作平台。這個在線信息圖電影製作者可以讓您的企業為營銷、培訓和電子學習等工作角色的所有行業創建專業的動畫信息圖。
- Offers a vast of professional design elements and resources, to help you save time in finding the materials you need.
- 使用大量模板輕鬆製作您自己的信息圖電影。
- Provides many useful tools, scenes, and characters to set up the special animated infographics by yourself.
- 在線 SAAS
- 基本(單用戶計劃):每年 $299
- Premium (single-user plan): $649 per year
- 專業人士(每位用戶):每年 $999
- 企業:定制定價
10. Lumen5
Lumen5 具有一個信息圖電影製作器,可簡化製作信息圖視頻的項目。當你沒有設計經驗的時候可以嘗試依靠這個系統來做複雜的信息圖電影。 Lumen5 將強大的 AI 與簡單的拖放界面相結合,讓您可以有效地構建熟練的信息圖表視頻。
- 將音樂、畫外音、圖像、GIF 和文本轉換為動畫信息圖電影。
- Turn your articles and blog posts into infographic video content, and transform the text into video in a flash.
- Make your own infographic videos easily with the support of AI.
- 在線 SAAS
- 休閒視頻愛好者(社區):$0 永久免費
- 個人內容創作者(創作者):每月$11
- 對於專業視頻講故事者(高級):每月 $59
- 對於專注於覆蓋面和增長(業務)的品牌:每月 $149
- 針對大型視頻團隊(企業):定制定價
Now it’s over to you
我希望這 10 位實用的信息圖電影製作者將幫助您創建自己的精彩信息圖視頻。現在就試試吧!斷腿!
使用 Mango Animate 製作您自己的信息圖電影