Ücretsiz Animasyonlu Açıklayıcı Video Nasıl Yapılır (Örnekli)

Animated explainer videos are an excellent way to convey complex ideas or concepts in a simple and engaging way. They are used by businesses, educators, and content creators to explain their products, services, or ideas to their audience. In this article, we will show you how to make an animasyonlu açıklayıcı video for free using Mango Whiteboard Animation Maker.

Start Creating Whiteboard Animation Videos Easily

Best Animated Explainer Video Maker – Mango WM

Mango Whiteboard Animation Maker(Mango WM) is a free online tool that allows you to create animated explainer videos quickly and easily. It has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for anyone to use, regardless of their experience level. With Mango Whiteboard Animation Maker, you can create professional-looking videos that will capture your audience’s attention. Here are some of the features that make Mango WM the best-animated explainer video maker:

  • Kullanımı kolay: Mango WM has a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for anyone to create animated explainer videos. You don’t need any experience in animation or video editing to use Mango WM.
  • Özelleştirilebilir Şablonlar: This animated explainer video maker has a variety of customizable templates to choose from. You can choose a template that fits your topic or customize one to your liking. The templates come with pre-made animations and graphics that you can use to enhance your video.
  • Large Library of Animations and Graphics: This whiteboard animation software has a large library of animations and graphics that you can use to enhance your video. You can also upload your own graphics if you prefer.
  • Seslendirme Kaydı: Mango WM has a built-in voiceover recorder that allows you to record your voiceover directly in the tool. You can also upload a pre-recorded voiceover if you prefer.
Animated explainer video Example made with Mango WM

How to Make an Animated Explainer Video for Free?

Gerekli süre: 5 dakika

Follow these five simple steps to creating an animation explainer video using Mango WM:

  1. Choose a Topic

    The first step in creating an animated explainer video is to choose a topic. You should choose a topic that is relevant to your audience and that you are knowledgeable about. This will make it easier for you to create a compelling video.

  2. Write a Script

    Once you have chosen a topic, the next step is to write a script. Your script should be concise and to the point. It should explain your topic in a way that is easy to understand. You can use Mango Whiteboard Animation Maker’s built-in script editor to write your script.

  3. Bir Şablon Seçin

    Mango Whiteboard Animation Maker has a variety of templates to choose from. You can choose a template that fits your topic or customize one to your liking. The templates come with pre-made animations and graphics that you can use to enhance your video.

    animasyonlu açıklayıcı video

  4. Add Animations and Graphics

    Once you have chosen a template, the next step is to add animations and graphics. Mango Whiteboard Animation Maker has a library of animations and graphics that you can use to enhance your video. You can also upload your own graphics if you prefer.

    animasyonlu açıklayıcı video

  5. Seslendirmenizi Kaydedin

    The final step is to record your voiceover. You can use Mango Whiteboard Animation Maker’s built-in voiceover recorder to record your voiceover. Make sure to read your script clearly and at a steady pace.

    animasyonlu açıklayıcı video

Pricing Options

ÖzgürProfesyonelÖmür boyu erişim için $39 Girişim Ömür boyu erişim için $199
Mango Animate FiligranıFiligran Yokfiligran yok
576P video kalitesi720P video kalitesi1080P / 2K / 4K video kalitesi
Sınırlı el animasyonları40'tan fazla el animasyonu80'den fazla el animasyonu
Yalnızca ücretsiz şablonlarÜcretsiz ve Profesyonel şablonlarSınırsız şablon
10 + dinamik karakter30'dan fazla dinamik karakter50'den fazla dinamik karakter 
proje başına 2 arka planProje başına 10 arka planProje başına sınırsız arka plan 


Creating an animated explainer video doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. With Mango Whiteboard Animation Maker, you can create professional-looking videos for free. Just follow the steps outlined in this article, and you’ll be on your way to creating engaging and informative videos that will capture your audience’s attention.

Make Your Own Doodle Videos

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