Kategorija: Video za usposabljanje
How to Create Training Videos for Free: In Just 5 Steps
Training videos are one of the best ways to get inside scoop quickly and easily. You can use these videos to advise your team or employees of critical updates and onboard them with new knowledge. Luckily, AI can simplify the video-making processes. Thanks to AI-powered creative tools, the effortless creation of high-quality training videos is now…
How to Build an Onboarding Process for New Employees?
A smooth and effective onboarding process for new employees is crucial for any organization looking to retain talent and foster a positive workplace culture. The onboarding experience is not just a formality; it sets the tone for a new hire’s journey within the company. From the moment a candidate accepts an offer, the onboarding process…
5 Killer Practices to Create Corporate Training Videos for Employee Development
Picture this: a seasoned employee who has been with the company for several years, and navigating through their daily tasks with confidence. However, as the industry evolves and new tools and technologies emerge, they find themselves needing to adapt quickly to stay relevant in their role. While they are experienced, the prospect of attending another…
Ultimate Guide to Making Effective Onboarding Training Videos
Did you know that well-set onboarding training can help companies increase their return on investments by 82%? However, many executives struggle to make effective strategies for onboarding, because of many reasons. Most onboarding training processes are very slow, or lengthy. All new hires are required to study the extensive handbook outlining the organization’s procedures, regulations,…
12 najboljših programov za usposabljanje in izobraževanje v letu 2024
Zaradi premikajočih se vizualnih elementov, zvoka in besedila je video odlično komunikacijsko orodje. Po raziskavi lahko ena minuta videa vsebuje skoraj 1,8 milijona besed. Video hitro postaja priljubljen format vsebine za namene usposabljanja, saj je, če je pravilno izveden, učinkovitejši in zapomnljiv kot običajni načini učenja. To je zato, ker obstaja…
8 najboljših ustvarjalcev animiranih videoposnetkov za usposabljanje za ustvarjanje videoposnetkov za usposabljanje na tabli in risank
Animirani videoposnetki za usposabljanje so odličen način za posredovanje pomembnih informacij občinstvu. Ne glede na to, ali poučujete novo veščino, razlagate zapleten koncept ali preprosto poskušate pritegniti občinstvo, vam lahko animirani videoposnetki za usposabljanje pomagajo prenesti svoje sporočilo na zabaven in privlačen način. V tej objavi v spletnem dnevniku si bomo ogledali…