Avtor: Sylvia
10 Free AI Tools to Swap Faces Live for Videos & Photos
How would you like to swap out the faces in your videos and photos with other faces in real-time? There are plenty of new free AI tools available that let you swap faces live for videos and pictures that you share with your audience. It is a fun way to play pranks and have a…
CapCut vs DaVinci: Which AI Video Editor Rules the Creative Realm
CapCut vs DaVinci: Which AI Video Editor Rules the Creative Realm CapCut, developed by ByteDance, is a user-friendly, AI-powered video editor tailored for content creators seeking professional results. It offers auto-captioning, background removal, and text-to-speech, making it ideal for social media editing. Designed for efficiency, this tool provides pre-set templates, transitions, and effects, enabling you…
12 Best HR Training Topics to Empower Your Employees
Businesses of all sizes prioritize HR training because their workforce drives success. Preparing effective HR training programs is critical for achieving this goal. HR practitioners gain valuable insights to support company goals, foster a healthy workplace, and effectively manage employee interactions. Below are the top 12 HR training topics for employees that your company can…
How to Create AI Voice from Sample: Easy & Quick Guide
Remember when the only robotic voice you’d hear was of Siri? Well, things have changed, and you can hardly scroll down without watching or listening to reels or videos in an AI-generated voice. There are tools and technologies for generating AI voices within a few clicks. The most amazing thing about the AI voice mimicker…
7 Online Tools to Create Free Unlimited Video Face Swap
Recently, the digital process of face swapping has become a trend mainly due to the social media meme culture. If you’re tempted to change faces in videos and grab those views and likes on social media, it’s good news that many free unlimited video face swap tools are available online for free. To get you…
HeyGen vs Synthesia: Choosing the Top AI Video Generator
HeyGen vs Synthesia: Choosing the Top AI Video Generator HeyGen is a next-generation AI video generator designed for businesses and content creators. It offers realistic digital avatars, multilingual voiceovers, and customizable templates for engaging videos. Ideal for marketing, training, and explainer videos, HeyGen excels in accessibility and ease of use. Its user-friendly platform enables fast…
9 najboljših aplikacij za menjavo obraza za učinkovito zamenjavo obraza
Ste se naveličali delati iste selfije s svetlimi in bleščečimi filtri? Potrebujete nekaj zabavnega in novega, kar bi lahko preizkusili na svojih fotografijah? Uporabite napravo za spreminjanje obraza in poživite svoje fotografije! Če želite pritegniti pozornost ljudi in svoja doživetja deliti na povsem nov način, poskusite zamenjati svoj obraz z najbližjimi prijatelji,...
Kako brezplačno ustvariti videoposnetke za usposabljanje: v samo 5 korakih
Training videos are one of the best ways to get inside scoop quickly and easily. You can use these videos to advise your team or employees of critical updates and onboard them with new knowledge. Luckily, AI can simplify the video-making processes. Thanks to AI-powered creative tools, the effortless creation of high-quality training videos is now…
10 menjalnikov obrazov za zamenjavo obrazov v videoposnetkih in fotografijah na spletu
Ste se naveličali delati iste selfije in bi radi nekaj spremenili? Z zamenjavo obraza bodo vaše fotografije morda bolj prijetne! Zamenjajte obraze z najbližjim prijateljem ali hišnimi ljubljenčki in tako na nov način pritegnite pozornost ljudi ter delite spomine. Tehnologija zamenjave obrazov z umetno inteligenco je nedvomno spremenila način obdelave fotografij in videoposnetkov za...
Končni vodnik za izdelavo učinkovitih videoposnetkov za usposabljanje ob vkrcanju
Ali ste vedeli, da lahko z dobro zastavljenim usposabljanjem za vkrcavanje podjetja povečajo donosnost svojih naložb za 82%? Vendar pa se številni vodstveni delavci zaradi številnih razlogov trudijo oblikovati učinkovite strategije za uvajanje v delo. Večina postopkov usposabljanja za uvajanje je zelo počasnih ali dolgotrajnih. Vsi novo zaposleni morajo preučiti obsežen priročnik, v katerem so opisani postopki organizacije, predpisi,...